Cook for Kids Instructions
We are so excited to have you participate in our Cook for Kids Volunteer program here at the Crisis Nursery! Please note – as the TEAM LEAD, you are responsible for reading through the following information and passing it on to your team!
Shift Duration
Breakfast: 7:00 am – 9:00 am (served at 8:00 am)
Lunch: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm (served at noon)
Dinner: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm (served at 5:00 pm)
All meals should be plated and ready 5 minutes before serving time.
If this is your first time, please let the person at the front desk know, so we can show you where to sign in, give you an overview of the kitchen and get you started cooking. If you are not on the sign in sheet, please write your name in under the appropriate date/time.
Before You Arrive
- Watch the instructional video with your team. This will give you and your team an overview of what to do, and the idea of what is expected of volunteers.
- Shopper level: View the CFK Meal Grid (protein/vegetable assignments, per day/meal of the week) to plan your meal, and check out our Pinterest page for recipe ideas.
- Shopper level: Complete the CFK Menu Form and return to Keith 4 days before your scheduled shift. We are encouraging healthy food choices for children, so we do not encourage teams to bring a dessert.
- Review the Tip Sheet and Meal Restrictions
- Review the Civil Rights packet. USDA requires that any program receiving federal financial assistance provide information to its volunteers on civil rights. We ask that all team members read this packet.
- Complete the Group Information/Confidentiality Form – to be signed by everyone participating (there are also blank forms in the kitchen). Only new team members need to read and sign this form. This form can be placed in the “Completed forms†folder in the kitchen.
- Chef level: Click here to complete your sponsorship payment online.
Additional Details
- All food must be purchased already prepared or cooked on site. Due to licensing regulations, food cannot be cooked at home and brought into the Nursery. Please keep in mind the children like simple foods and prefer their food separated on the plate instead of mixed together.
- Plan to serve approximately 30 people, which includes children, staff and volunteers. Members of your CFK team are encouraged to sit down and eat with the children. Please keep in mind, all of the little ones in our care have experienced some sort of crisis or trauma and meal time can be very overwhelming for them.
- You will be told the amount of children coming for each serving time when you arrive. Please note that on weekends there is less staff in the building (including Keith). We ask for your patience with the staff on site.
- You may call 612-767-8475 the day of the meal to see approximately how many children are at the Nursery during your meal date. Keep in mind that new children are coming into the Nursery and families are leaving at various times every day. Therefore, you may experience a smaller number of children for your meal or we may be full. So, we suggest you always cook 30 adult portions which includes enough food for the children, staff, and volunteers.
- Remember that teams can be a MAXIMUM of 6 volunteers and volunteers under the age of 12 are NOT allowed at the Crisis Nursery.
- All team members must wear a Cook For Kids name badge (located in the kitchen).
- Please share the Cook for Kids Flyer with friends, family and co-workers – we are always in need of more help!
Cancellation Policy
When you sign up for a meal at the Nursery, little ones are counting on you to fill their bellies with good food! While we understand that sickness and emergencies can happen unexpectedly, please keep in mind that our children and staff are counting on you to fulfill your commitment and provide food during your scheduled shift. Because of this, we ask that you provide us with at least 24 hours’ notice and honor the following cancellation policy.
1. Ensure that the kids will still have full bellies through one of these options:
a. Donate $100 to cover the unexpected staff labor and food costs for a nutritious meal (preferred).
b. Order delivery in place of the cancelled meal (to arrive 30 minutes before scheduled serving time). Local delivery options include:
- –Domino’s (612-823-3030) or Pizza Hut (612-825-9820). Suggested order is 5 large pizzas: 2 cheese only, 1 sausage and cheese, 1 pepperoni and cheese, 1 sausage no cheese.
- -Subway (delivery via Uber Eats, Grubhub, or other). Suggested order is 10 footlong turkey sandwiches.
- –Xin Wong (612-822-4888). Suggested order is 8 large orders of Sweet & Sour Chicken, or Chow Mein, or Beef and Broccoli.
2. Click the Cancel/Reschedule button in your confirmation email, then click Cancel. If you have ordered delivery, add that to your cancellation note so Keith is informed.
3. IF CANCELLING LESS THAN 24 HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR SHIFT: Call the lead desk at 612-767-8475 to let them know you are unable to make your shift. Be sure to let them know if you have ordered delivery.
Questions? Contact:
Keith Johnson
Food & Volunteer Services Coordinator
Direct Line (612) 767-8483
Admin Line (763) 591-0400