Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery

over 20,000 hours donated

Enrichment Activity Instructions

We are so excited to have you participate in our Enrichment Activity volunteer program here at the Crisis Nursery! Please read through the following information and pass it on to your team.


Shift Duration

Morning Activity: 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Afternoon Activity: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm


Before You Arrive

  1. If you need ideas for Enrichment Activities, please check out our Pinterest page.
  2. Review the EA Philosophy and Project Guidelines
  3. Review the Enrichment Activity Flyer
  4. Complete the Enrichment Activity Plan and return to Julie at least 4 days prior to your scheduled shift, and let him know if you need the gym reserved for games, sports, dancing and other large muscle activities or if you will need the arts & crafts room.


Arrival Instructions

  1. When you arrive at the Nursery, tell the receptionist at the front desk that it is your first time as an EA volunteer.
  2. The Volunteer Station where you need to sign in is on the 3rd floor. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor, make a U turn to your left when exiting the elevator and sign in. There are directions on how to sign in and make a volunteer name tag for  yourself. You are welcome to use the lockers provided for your personal belongings.
  3. There is an Enrichment Activity bin filled with large muscle activity ideas, CD’s of children’s music, bean bags, hula hoops and ribbon wands. This bin is located in the cupboard marked “Enrichment Activity” at the Volunteer Station. You are welcome to use these, but please return to cupboard when finished. The Supervisor will also have an iPod with the songs indicated in the example binder. You can check it out from the Supervisor if you want to use it.
  4. There is a map of the building in the inside door of the Enrichment Activity cupboard. If you plan to do a large muscle activity, you will then head to the gym or large muscle room located on the 2nd floor. If you are doing arts/crafts you will go to the art room on the 1st floor.
  5. The children will arrive in the room close to the scheduled time. Expect between 4-10 kids to participate.
  6. When you are finished, clean up and return your name tag to the Volunteer Station.


About the children at the Nursery

  1. Remember that the children in our care have experienced some sort of crisis or stress and may not have a very long attention span. Please keep this in mind when planning your enrichment activities and when helping the children.
  2. We ask for your patience and flexibility. You may need to modify activities to fit the needs of the children who are there that day.
  3. The kids will be between 3-6 years old. Please be sure your activities are age appropriate.
  4. We ask for lots of flexibility with this volunteer opportunity. We never know how many 3-6 year olds we will have or what their temperament might be.
  5. We suggest you bring a couple of different ideas for activities that will stimulate different areas of the brain (i.e. – arts/crafts and a game/sport) and be prepared to be helpful and encouraging.
  6. We prefer large muscle movement type activities for afternoon enrichment.
  7. Keep in mind that the children at the Nursery need a safe and nurturing environment.


Cancellation Policy

When you sign up for an Enrichment Activity at the Nursery, little ones are counting on you to lead them in a fun activity! While we understand that sickness and emergencies can happen unexpectedly, please keep in mind that our children and staff are counting on you to fulfill your commitment during your scheduled shift. Because of this, we ask that you provide us with at least 24 hours’ notice and honor the following cancellation policy.

  1. Click the Cancel/Reschedule button in your confirmation email, then click Cancel.
  2. IF CANCELLING LESS THAN 24 HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR SHIFT: Call the lead desk at 612-767-8475 to let them know you are unable to make your shift.


Questions? Contact:

Julie Huck
Volunteer Services Manager
Direct Line (612) 767-8472
Admin Line (763) 591-0400