Cook for Kids Child Care Enrichment Activity Current Volunteers Enrichment Activity Sign Up Enrichment Activity Volunteers age 12-15 years must be accompanied by an adult age 21 or older, serving as their supervisor. Only volunteers age 16 years and older should complete this application. Are you 16 years or older?* yesno Please note that individuals who have utilized any services provided by the Nursery in the past two years are ineligible to volunteer. Have you used any services provided by the Nursery in the past two years?* yesno Basic Information First Name* Last Name* Nickname Email* Date of birth* Street Address* Street Address 2 City* State* Zip Code* Preferred Phone #* Preferred phone type* homecellwork Alternate Phone #* Alternate phone type* homecellwork Employment Information Occupation* Name of employer Does your employer offer a donation matching program? yesnodon't know Experience with the Nursery Have you volunteered with us before?* yesno How did you hear about the Nursery?* friend or familyco-workerinternet searchhands-on volunteeringvolunteer matchvolunteer fair or eventstaff or board memberplace of worshipschoolflyerother Name of person who referred you to the Nursery: Availability Enrichment Activity shifts are available seven days a week, twice a day: 10:30am - 11:30am 3:30pm - 4:40pm Please enter your top three preferred days of the week and timeslot. Ellen, our Volunteer Services Manager will connect to schedule your date. Child Care Volunteer Agreement I certify that the answers given by me are complete and true to the best of my knowledge. Any false information, omissions, or misrepresentations of facts may result in rejection of my application or discharge as a volunteer. I understand that this application form is intended for use in evaluating my qualifications and is not an offer of a volunteer position. If offered a volunteer position, I understand that my position may be terminated at any time for reasons the Nursery believes may be contrary to their best interest. true I understand that I will be required to complete and pass a DHS criminal history background check true Confidentiality Agreement It is our policy that information obtained by anyone working in a staff or volunteer position must remain confidential regarding all sensitive and personal data pertaining to donors, staff, and children and their families who utilize Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery services. You may learn sensitive information about the children and families we serve, and it is critical to the success of the Nursery, and its community, that information obtained while volunteering be kept in confidence. Do not approach or share that you know a child or family if you encounter them in your daily life. This includes: Seeing a child/family in public (unless they initiate contact with you) Seeing a child/family in the media (on the news, in the paper, etc.) Disclosing a relative or friend’s use of the Nursery Furthermore, children may never be photographed or filmed while at the Nursery. I certify that I understand the above statement and will uphold the confidentiality policy.* true Name Today’s date Please leave this field empty. Δ