Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery

over 20,000 hours donated

Board of Directors Applicants

Thank you for your interest in joining the Crisis Nursery’s Board of Directors. Please review the information below and complete an interest form.

What is the purpose of The Nursery Board?

    • • To steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical and legal governance, and fiscal management policies.
    • • To ensure the Nursery has adequate resources to advance its mission.
    • • Individually, board members of the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery (“the Nursery”) are expected to give of their time, talents, and treasures.

What are the key responsibilities of the Nursery Board?

    • • Supports and drives execution of the Crisis Nursery’s strategic plan. Serves a minimum of one (1) three-year term on the Board.
    • • Attend at least five out of six board meetings, held every other month Fully participate in one or more committees
    • • Participate in Fundraising Activities
    • • Make a personal gift to the annual fund that is financially significant to them, which represents one of the member’s top three charitable donations.
    • • Serve as public champions for The Nursery, acting as active advocates and ambassadors for the organization and identifying and securing financial resources and partnerships necessary for the Nursery to advance its mission while meeting its immediate and long-term needs.

What are the four committees within the board and what are their responsibilities?

    1. Executive: To convene the leadership of the board to deal with matters that may not be able to wait until the full Board of Directors meets and to address other matters referred to the committee by the full board. The voting members of the committee will be the officers, including the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and up to two at large members. The Executive Director is a non-voting ex-officio member. Committee chairs have a standing invitation to attend any of the meetings.
    2. Governance: To maintain the effectiveness and overall health of the Board of Directors.
    3. Finance: To develop financial policies and procedures, review financial reports, assist the board with annual budgeting and forecasting, oversee the annual audit, and design and monitor investment policies. The committee has access to the Nursery’s personnel and other records as needed. The committee may communicate with the external auditors directly and on a confidential basis and may conduct investigations into significant matters brought to its attention.
    4. Development: To ensure that short term and long-term fundraising strategies will provide adequate resources to support programs.

Ready to learn more? Please complete the online interest form and we will be in touch.