Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery

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Restoring Summer’s Warmth

Made with Clipchamp

Brielle used to picture summer as sun-drenched days filled with laughter, but her home is more like a symphony of chaos.

Summer break has brought her older children home full-time, and the endless energy is overwhelming.

The biggest change, though, has been the constant hum of hunger. Without the routine of school meals, her fridge is emptying at an alarming rate. Grocery shopping feels like a three-ring circus, a desperate scramble to wrangle her children on the city bus, chase them through the aisles, and attempt to avoid the inevitable meltdowns that follow.

Standing in front of the nearly empty fridge, a mix of frustration and exhaustion left her feeing like she was letting everyone down.

Brielle found a life line. Her children recently spent a few days at the Nursery. The quiet in the house was deafening, but a welcome change. The simple act of grocery shopping without little hands reaching for treats or tantrums erupting felt almost relaxing. For the first time in weeks, she could actually breathe.

Her children thrived with the predictability of the Nursery. Three homemade meals and snacks each day, walks to the park, running through sprinklers, playing with new friends, and other caring adults to guide and teach them.

And while her children stayed at the Nursery, Brielle and her Family Advocate created a plan to keep the cupboards from going bare so her children receive the consistent food they need to grow and thrive.

Summer will still hold challenges, but having the Nursery as a resource allows Brielle to find joy in the simple moments of summer with her children. For Brielle and her family, the sunshine finally feels a little warmer today.

Thank you for giving Brielle’s children full tummies so they aren’t worrying about hunger, but can instead focus on simply being children this summer.


Over 3,500 children and families experiencing crisis turn to Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery every year. They are facing housing instability, financial stress, domestic violence, exhaustion, and other difficult situations. Nearly all are single-parenting moms and over 60% of families have an annual income of $10,000 or less.

Your support connects these families to critical resources to help stabilize their family and move them out of crisis. It takes $1,300 to care for a child for 3 days. They are provided with homemade meals, winter clothing, enriching play and new friendships, a warm cozy bed at tuck-in time, and highly qualified staff to care for them around the clock.

Nursery services are free to families because of caring individuals like you. 80% of the Nursery’s nearly $5 million budget comes from contributions from generous people like you.

Today, YOU can be the difference between crisis and stability for a child and their family.